
Drohne der Bundeswehr stürzt auf ehemaligem Fliegerhorst in Erding ab

Rätselhafter Absturz: Was flog über Erding?

In Bayern, specifically on the former Bundeswehr airbase in Erding, a drone operated by the armed forces crashed on Tuesday. A Bundeswehr spokesperson confirmed the incident, stating that an unmanned aerial vehicle had landed on the ground. Fortunately, no individuals were harmed in the accident.

The reason for the drone’s mission was not disclosed by the Bundeswehr spokesperson. Furthermore, details regarding the extent of the damage were not provided. According to information from the Deutsche Presse-Agentur, the damage caused by the incident, particularly to the aircraft itself, is estimated to be in the millions, although this has not been officially confirmed. Both the police and the military police, known as Feldjäger, are involved in investigating the cause of the crash.

The drone crashed approximately 500 meters away from the airbase tower, as stated by the Bundeswehr spokesperson. Although the airbase is no longer used for active Bundeswehr aircraft operations, it remains designated as a military security area. Investigations into the circumstances surrounding the crash are ongoing.

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