
Neues Verfahren für undichte Herzklappen: SHG-Klinik führt bahnbrechende Operationen durch

An innovative procedure for patients with leaky heart valves has been successfully carried out at the Völklingen SHG Clinic. The new procedure allows for the replacement of damaged heart valves without the need for open-heart surgery. Instead, a new valve is inserted through a catheter placed in a vein in the groin and released using ultrasound guidance.

The implementation of this method marks the first time such a procedure has been performed in the Saarland region, according to reports from the SHG Clinic. Developed by a US-based company, the implant offers a less invasive alternative for individuals for whom traditional open-heart surgery poses significant risks. Despite its potential benefits, discussions regarding the widespread application of this new technique are ongoing.

One key consideration regarding the adoption of this innovative approach is the cost. The artificial heart valves required for the procedure are reported to be priced at 38,500 euros each by the SHG Clinic. Negotiations with health insurance providers to cover these costs are still pending. The outcome of these talks will likely influence the accessibility of this advanced treatment option to patients with leaky heart valves across the region.

In other health news, local radio reports have highlighted the development of this groundbreaking procedure at the Völklingen SHG Clinic. The successful implementation of this new method showcases the ongoing advancements in cardiac care and underscores the importance of offering patients with heart valve issues alternative treatment options that prioritize safety and efficiency.

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