
Premiere in Merzig: Matthias Fox und Stéphanie Wagener sind das erste Viez-Königspaar der Stadt!

Matthias Fox and Stéphanie Wagener Crowned as Viez Royalty“

In a momentous occasion that marks a first in the history of Merzig and the traditional Viez festival, Matthias Fox from Ballern and Stéphanie Wagener from Oberleuken have been chosen as the inaugural Viez King and Queen. The unveiling of the new Viez royalty took place at the Hotel Roemer in Merzig, where Mayor Marcus Hoffeld expressed his delight, stating, „Today is a historic day. For the first time, we have a Viez King and Queen in the history of Merzig and the Viez festival tradition.“

The selection process involved a rigorous casting session where candidates were quizzed on their knowledge of Merzig, the region, and the significance of Viez. Following this, the Viez festival organizing committee, doubling as the jury, deliberated on the candidates. Ultimately, Matthias Fox and Stéphanie Wagener emerged as equally impressive contenders, leading to the decision to introduce a Viez royal pair for the first time in Merzig.

This crowning of Matthias Fox and Stéphanie Wagener as the Viez monarchy represents a symbolic moment in the cultural heritage of the region. Their role as ambassadors of Viez will not only highlight the tradition and history of the festival but also showcase the pride and unity within the community.

As Matthias Fox and Stéphanie Wagener begin their reign as Viez King and Queen, they are poised to carry forward the legacy of the festival with grace and dignity. Their presence as figureheads of the Viez tradition is sure to invigorate the festivities and attract broader participation and interest in this cherished cultural celebration.

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