
3/Viertel sichert Finanzierung für soziales Wohnprojekt in der Nauwieserstraße – Neue Hoffnung für bezahlbaren Wohnraum

Bringing New Life to Nauwieserstraße: „3/Viertel“ Group Secures Funding for Social Housing Project

In a groundbreaking move for the Saarland community, the „3/Viertel“ group has successfully secured the necessary funding to purchase three properties along Nauwieserstraße in Saarbrücken. The group, known for its dedication to social initiatives, emerged victorious in a competitive bidding process initiated by the city administration last year.

Concerns had loomed over the financing of the property acquisition for some time, but those uncertainties were put to rest on Friday when the Saarbrücken city administration received confirmation that the „3/Viertel“ group had the required funds in place. The properties located at numbers 14, 16, and 18 on Nauwieserstraße are slated to become the focal point for a transformative social housing project envisioned by the group.

The ambitious project is estimated to cost approximately 3.6 million euros, covering various expenses, including the 667,000 euro purchase price for the properties. Mario Krämer, the architect and project stakeholder, disclosed these details in response to inquiries made by SR.

Project Timeline and Future Plans

With the financing confirmation arriving just days before the deadline on June 30, future plans for the project are now in motion. „3/Viertel“ aims to finalize the purchase agreement by the year’s end, with hopes to complete the property renovation by late 2026. The overarching goal of the initiative is to provide affordable housing options, particularly catering to individuals with mental health challenges. Additionally, the establishment of a tenant association is on the agenda to foster a sense of community within the renovated buildings.

Challenges and Criticisms

Despite the celebrated news of the funding confirmation, challenges persist on the horizon. The Free Democratic Party (FDP) raised concerns early on regarding the project’s viability, citing potential underfunding issues. Moreover, the project faced legal challenges from the rival Masale Immobilien GmbH, led by entrepreneur Daniel Hager. Following the submission of the financing confirmation, the city council must now deliberate on the next steps to move the project forward.

As the „3/Viertel“ group embarks on this monumental endeavor, all eyes are on the Nauwieserstraße revitalization project, set to breathe new life into the community and set a precedent for social housing initiatives in the region.

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