
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Unabhängiger Präsidentschaftskandidat mit Wurm im Gehirn?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. bietet an, fünf weitere "Gehirnwürmer" zu essen: Was steckt hinter der skurrilen Twitter-Aussage?

Kennedy Jr., an Independent candidate for president, made a humorous response to reports of doctors discovering a dead parasite in his brain over ten years ago. In a tweet, Kennedy stated his willingness to consume five more ‚brain worms‘ and still outperform Presidents Trump and Biden in a debate. This declaration was followed by another tweet where he expressed confidence in his abilities even with a ’six-worm handicap.‘

The background to Kennedy’s tweets lies in a recent New York Times report detailing a medical episode from 2010 when doctors initially believed a dark spot on his brain scans indicated a tumor due to memory loss. However, a doctor later suggested it was a dead parasite, leading to ongoing uncertainties. Kennedy’s campaign team acknowledged past issues with a parasite infection, revealing that the problem had been successfully addressed over a decade ago, emphasizing his current physical and mental well-being.


Kennedy’s past travels to Africa, South America, and Asia in his role as an environmental advocate likely exposed him to the parasite. His team reassured the public that the situation was resolved long ago. Despite recent health-related discussions, Kennedy has redirected attention to politics by challenging President Trump to a debate at the upcoming Libertarian convention. This offer adds an intriguing twist to Kennedy’s campaign strategy, mixing humor with political ambition.

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