
Unterstützung für Trauernde im Pastoralen Raum Mayen: Beratung und Begleitung in schweren Zeiten

In Mayen, individuals dealing with the loss of a loved one often find themselves overwhelmed by a mix of emotions and questions. The impact of death can create a profound void in one’s life, causing a seismic shift in one’s sense of normalcy. Despite the presence of supportive individuals, those experiencing grief may feel isolated in their mourning journey. Fortunately, various organizations and providers offer assistance to help navigate this challenging period. These resources include individual counseling, support groups, grief cafes and walks, specialized counseling for unique loss situations, and memorial services. These services are available to all individuals affected by loss, irrespective of how much time has passed since the event.

A valuable resource for those seeking support in times of mourning is the brochure „Für Trauernde im Pastoralen Raum Mayen,“ which can be found in Catholic and Protestant churches, as well as parish offices in Mayen, Mendig, and Vordereifel. Additionally, the flyer is accessible for viewing and downloading on the Pastoralen Raum Mayen website. Copies of the brochure are also available at the Hospice Association, the Family Education Center, and the Counseling Center in Mayen. For further inquiries, individuals can contact the Pastoralen Raum Mayen office at 02651 7015659.

To ensure that individuals grieving the loss of a loved one receive tailored support along their unique paths of mourning, the staff members involved in providing assistance to the bereaved convene for regular exchanges and consultations. This forum includes a dedicated team comprising Hospital Chaplain Rita Krebsbach, Deacons Hans Georg Bach and Martin Nober, and Cooperator Thomas Corsten from the Pastoralen Raum Mayen. Also involved are Pastor Metje Steinau from the Evangelical Church Community in Mayen, Grief Counselor Stefanie Montermann-Müller from the Catholic Family Education Center in Mayen, Social Worker Annette Kühr from the Counseling Center in Mayen, Grief Counselor Cornelia Schlatzke from the „Verwaiste Eltern“ Self-Help Group in Koblenz, and Grief Counselor Martina Ihrlich from the „Leben ohne Dich“ Self-Help Group for Bereaved Parents in Andernach.

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