Kriminalität und JustizMainz-Bingen

Geldautomatensprengung vereitelt: Zeugen alarmieren Polizei

Anwohner verhindern mögliche Geldautomatensprengung in Partenheim

In Partenheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, attentive residents heard suspicious noises at a cash machine at around 4:39 am on Thursday. Promptly, they contacted the police. Witnesses reportedly saw at least two individuals preparing to tamper with the ATM but the explosion was averted as the perpetrators fled in a dark car, according to the Mainz police.

Authorities are actively searching for the unknown suspects, with the area surrounding the ATM cordoned off. Experts from the State Criminal Police Office of Rheinland-Pfalz are on-site to ensure there is no risk from potential explosives at the ATM. Police have urged any witnesses who observed suspicious activities around the cash machine during the night or in preceding days to come forward and provide information. They can contact the Criminal Investigation Department at Tel.: 06131 – 65 3633.

The swift action of the vigilant residents in Partenheim prevented what could have been a dangerous explosion at the ATM. Police investigations are ongoing as they pursue leads to identify and apprehend the individuals behind the attempted crime. The cooperation of the community and the quick response to the unusual noises at the cash machine played a crucial role in averting a potential threat to public safety.

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