
Friedhelm Funkel plant nach Pokalfinale: Ich hätte Bock weiterzumachen

Funkel, despite being 70 years old, has expressed his desire to continue coaching even after his team lost the cup final. Following the 0:1 defeat in the DFB-Pokal gegen Bayer Leverkusen, Funkel stated, „I would be up for continuing at some point.“ He emphasized that this last game with 1. FC Kaiserslautern might not necessarily mark the end of his coaching career.

Having dedicated almost three and a half decades to coaching after his professional playing days, Funkel remains open to the possibility of further opportunities in the future. Taking on the role at Kaiserslautern in February, he successfully steered the team away from relegation in the second division.

Reflecting on the past three months, Funkel admitted that it had been a draining period, acknowledging the significant amount of energy it had consumed. He highlighted the need to recharge and mentioned, „I am looking forward to replenishing my energy starting Monday.“ Despite the challenges faced, Funkel’s passion for coaching remains evident, paving the way for potential future endeavors in the field.

With his experience and dedication to the sport, Funkel’s willingness to persevere and continue coaching showcases his enduring commitment and enthusiasm for the game. His statement after the cup final loss indicates a resilient spirit and a readiness to embrace new opportunities in the realm of coaching, hinting at more to come in his coaching journey.

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