DonnersbergkreisKriminalität und Justiz

Sakrale Gegenstände gestohlen: Einbrecher plündern Kirchen in Obermoschel und Oberndorf

In Obermoschel and Oberndorf, located in the Donnersbergkreis region, burglars targeted two churches between Sunday evening and Monday morning, making off with sacred items of significant value. The perpetrators began their spree by breaking a window at the rectory in Obermoschel, stealing multiple keys that granted them access to the churches in both Obermoschel and Oberndorf. Authorities estimate that the stolen religious artifacts amount to at least a five-figure sum in worth. During the night leading into Monday, a witness noticed two individuals near the church in Oberndorf, prompting ongoing investigations into their possible involvement in the theft.

To aid in uncovering the culprits responsible for these crimes, the police force seeks assistance from the public. They urge anyone who may have observed individuals or vehicles in the vicinity between Sunday at 6:30 pm and Monday at 10:30 am, or witnessed any suspicious activity, to come forward with information. Additionally, individuals who encounter sacred items being offered for sale are encouraged to report such sightings. The Kriminalpolizei Kaiserslautern can be contacted at 0631 369-2620 to provide tips or details related to the case.

For media inquiries, the Press Office of the Polizeipräsidium Westpfalz can be reached at 0631 369-1080 or -0, or via email at Further updates and press releases from the Rheinland-Pfalz police are available for dissemination, with proper attribution to the source. The original content was provided by the Polizeipräsidium Westpfalz and distributed through news aktuell.

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