Cochem-ZellKriminalität und Justiz

Großbrand in ehemaligem Hotel: Chaos in Bruchertseifen

In Bruchertseifen, specifically in the Koblenzer Straße, a residential building is currently engulfed in flames. The building in question is a former hotel. Emergency services, including the fire department, ambulance services, and the police, are actively engaged at the scene. Due to the ongoing operation, the Koblenzer Straße (Bundesstraße 256) has been completely closed off to traffic.

Authorities have urged the public and media outlets to refrain from making inquiries at this time. Further details regarding the incident will be provided at a later stage. For any inquiries or additional information, individuals are encouraged to contact the Altenkirchen Police Department at 02681 946-0 or via email at

It is advised that news outlets may freely publish press releases from the Police Department of Rhineland-Palatinate as long as they credit the source. Updates on this ongoing situation in Bruchertseifen will be made available in due course.

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