
Putins Besuch in Nordkorea: Ein Zeichen der Schwäche

Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to North Korea may not be the display of strength that some might perceive it to be. The Russian president’s eagerness to please Kim Jong-un and sign a new foundational agreement could be seen as a strategic move in light of the challenges Russia is facing in Ukraine. The permission granted by Western countries to Ukraine to attack positions on Russian soil using weapons supplied by them has had a more significant impact on Putin’s army than anticipated. Additionally, economic sanctions are also taking a toll, with Gazprom, Putin’s financial powerhouse, showing signs of weakness. Chinese banks are withdrawing from the Russian market due to concerns about potential US penalties. In this context, Putin’s first visit to North Korea in 24 years may be more of a response to external pressures than a sign of strength in itself.

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Analysierte Kommentare in sozialen Medien: 96
Analysierte Forenbeiträge: 63

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