
Filmbesprechung: »Sans Soleil/Unsichtbare Sonne« mit Daniela Kinateder

„Edimotion meets ifs“ – A Cinematic Encounter at the Cologne Cinema Nights 2024

On Friday, June 28, 2024, at 7:00 pm, film enthusiasts gathered at the Filmforum NRW, situated in the Kino im Museum Ludwig at Bischofsgartenstr. 1 in 50667 Cologne, for a special event. The highlight of the evening was the screening of the renowned French essay film „Sans Soleil/Unsichtbare Sonne“ directed and edited by Chris Marker in 1983.

Following the screening, a stimulating discussion ensued with the talented editor Daniela Kinateder, moderated by Dietmar Kraus, a curator at the Edimotion Film Festival. The event provided a unique opportunity for film lovers to delve into the intricacies of cinematic storytelling and editing techniques.

Known as one of the most exceptional essay films in the history of cinema, „Sans Soleil/Unsichtbare Sonne“ continues to captivate viewers with its layers of discoveries, associations, and enigmas upon repeated viewings. From the picturesque landscapes of Iceland to the vibrant cultures of Japan and Africa, the film weaves together a tapestry of visual narratives that explore themes of beauty, memory, and the limitations of human understanding.

The poignant narration by a female voice, reciting fictional letters and diaries of a traveling cameraman, adds a touch of poetic surrealism to the film. In an era dominated by digital imagery and information overload, Marker’s reflections on cultural memory remain as relevant as ever, prompting audiences to contemplate the fragile nature of our shared heritage.

Daniela Kinateder, our esteemed guest for the evening, selected „Sans Soleil“ for its open-ended storytelling, inviting viewers to engage in visual and intellectual exploration. With a background in artistic editing and time-based art, Kinateder’s insights shed light on the intricate process of crafting narratives through montage, drawing parallels between film, visual arts, and creative expression.

The event, part of the „ifs-Begegnung“ series organized by Edimotion in collaboration with the International Film School Cologne, was a celebration of cinematic craftsmanship and the art of storytelling through editing. As a highlight of the Cologne Cinema Nights, the evening showcased the collaborative spirit of the film community and the transformative power of visual storytelling.

Join us for future events that promise to inspire, educate, and ignite a passion for the cinematic arts. Stay tuned for more enriching experiences and engaging encounters with the world of film editing and montage.

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Analysierte Kommentare in sozialen Medien: 192
Analysierte Forenbeiträge: 48

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