
Rettungsaktion: Feuerwehr befreit verschlammtes Pferd in Dortmund

Rettungsaktion in Dortmund: Feuerwehr rettet Pferd aus Schlammgraben

In Dortmund, Feuerwehrmänner were called to rescue a horse stuck in a muddy pit in the neighborhood of Kirchderne. The exhausted and filthy horse was lying on its side in the muddy field, unable to free itself. The firefighters worked alongside the horses owners to prepare for the rescue operation.

The field where the horse was found was mostly covered in mud, trapping the animal in a difficult situation. The owners discovered the horse stranded in the pit and realized it couldnt escape on its own. Fortunately, the dedicated team of firefighters was able to successfully extract the horse from the mud with a combined effort.


After the horse was sedated by a veterinarian, the rescue team employed significant manpower to pull the animal out of the mud safely. The challenging operation required careful coordination and a focused approach to ensure the horses well-being throughout the rescue process.

The successful rescue operation highlights the crucial role played by emergency services in responding to incidents involving animals in distress. The collaborative effort between the firefighters, the owners, and the veterinarian resulted in a positive outcome, demonstrating the importance of prompt and effective action in such critical situations.

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