
Tobias Hanses krönt sich zum Schützenkönig von Altenhundem – Festlicher Festzug und begeisterte Zuschauer

Altenhundem’s Festive Celebration – A Parade to Remember

Altenhundem was abuzz with excitement on Monday as the town celebrated its annual Schützenfest. The highlight of the day was the grand parade, where the newly crowned Schützenkönig, Tobias „Chief“ Hanses, took center stage. This year’s festivities marked a special occasion as Hanses claimed the title of Schützenkönig after a thrilling competition that culminated in a decisive 115th shot. Despite the absence of a Königin by his side, Hanses was cheered on by enthusiastic spectators throughout the event.

As a lieutenant in the Offizierskorps and a member of the 1. Corporalschaft „Oberstadt“, Hanses‘ victory added another feather to his cap and secured a win for the recently established Königsclub „100%“. This triumph comes just a year after Alexander Stupperich claimed the Königskrone and the Kreiskönigstitel, highlighting the growing success of the club in the local Schützen community.

The festive mood continued in the afternoon with the parade winding its way through the town under the bright summer sun. From the lively scenes at the Rathausplatz to the joyous dances at the Sauerlandhalle, the procession mirrored the jubilant atmosphere of a recent sporting event. The parade showcased the unity and camaraderie among the Hofstaat and Schützen, echoing the spirit of togetherness celebrated in popular culture.

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