
Feuerwehr bekämpft Brand in Baustellenbereich Moskauer Straße

In Leverkusen, specifically in the Dönhoffstraße area of Wiesdorf, a fire broke out on a construction site located on Moskauer Straße. The incident was reported to the fire department on July 1, 2024, at 9:19 pm, prompting the immediate dispatch of fire department personnel from both professional and volunteer units to the scene. Due to the plethora of emergency calls and conflicting reports regarding the exact location of the incident, an alarm level escalation was implemented en route.

Upon arrival, the responding firefighting units confirmed the presence of significant smoke indicating a fire at the construction site. The fire, fueled mainly by Styrofoam materials, resulted in a substantial amount of smoke being emitted. To combat the blaze, firefighters swiftly initiated a firefighting operation and established a containment line with multiple hoses to protect the nearby newly constructed school cafeteria.

Fortunately, the firefighting efforts proved successful in a short amount of time, effectively halting further smoke production. The neighboring emergency response centers were promptly informed of the smoke cloud drifting towards Cologne. One individual sustained minor injuries from smoke inhalation and was transported to a hospital for medical evaluation.

Throughout the firefighting operation, the volunteer fire unit in Schlebusch ensured basic protection measures were upheld. Overall, a total of 47 firefighters and 13 emergency vehicles were deployed to manage the situation effectively. The collaborative efforts of both professional and volunteer units were crucial in containing the fire and preventing the escalation of the situation.


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Analysierte Kommentare in sozialen Medien: 196
Analysierte Forenbeiträge: 79

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