
Julian Assange kehrt nach jahrelanger Haft zurück: Gesundheitliche Folgen noch unklar

Julian Assange’s Wife Concerned About His Health

Canberra (dpa) – Stella Assange, wife of Wikileaks-founder Julian Assange, has expressed concerns about the health implications of his lengthy imprisonment. Speaking on Thursday morning on the breakfast television show of broadcaster 7News, Stella Assange mentioned that the seven years spent by the Australian in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and the five years in the high-security British prison Belmarsh have taken a toll on his well-being.

Assange, who had been confined indoors for all those years, has faced serious repercussions on both his mental and physical health. Stella Assange emphasized, „He had to endure these hardships both mentally and physically.“ Since his return to Australia on Wednesday evening (local time), the 52-year-old has not yet made any public statements.

Harsh Imprisonment Conditions

A US court in the US Western Pacific territory of Saipan approved a deal between Assange and American authorities regarding espionage allegations on Wednesday. This decision marks the conclusion of a legal battle spanning 14 years. Starting in 2010, Wikileaks published classified material on US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan provided by whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

Stella Assange revealed that she had never met her husband in freedom until his arrival in Canberra. Their relationship began during his time in the Ecuadorian embassy, and the couple, who have two children, married in Belmarsh prison in 2022. According to Wikileaks, Assange was held in isolation for 23 hours a day in a very small cell.

Stella Assange also divulged that her husband’s priority now is to spend time with their two young sons. She expressed that living a normal family life has been impossible until now due to his captivity under severe conditions. Assange is in need of privacy and time to recuperate. Stella Assange stated, „We will let him decide how he wants to spend his days and time now.“

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