
Feuerwehr in Köln löscht Brände in Wohncontainer mit starker Rauchentwicklung

In Köln, in the early hours of the morning, a fire broke out in a residential container in a temporary shelter for refugees. The security service alerted the fire department at 4:18 am, indicating a fire with lives in danger. Firefighters from two fire brigades in Cologne and emergency medical personnel responded to the scene on Herkulesstraße, with a total of 60 emergency responders and 17 vehicles involved in the operation.

The fire, situated at the back of the building, was swiftly extinguished by the fire brigade shortly after it started, preventing any harm to individuals. However, due to the intense smoke generated by the fire, the floor above the container and adjacent housing units required thorough inspection and ventilation by emergency crews. Multiple high-powered fans were employed to clear the area of smoke, leading to the conclusion of the operation by 6:30 am.

As a result of the incident, the temporary shelter is currently uninhabitable, necessitating the relocation of the residents to alternative accommodation. According to police information, at least 50 individuals were affected by the displacement. The exact cause of the fire and the extent of the damage to the shelter remain under investigation by authorities.

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