
Elon Musk unter Druck: X in Brasilien mit Anwältin neu aufgestellt!

Nach der ordentlichen Schließung von Musks Plattform X in Brasilien geht der Tech-Milliardär in die Offensive: Ein neuer rechtlicher Vertreter wird ernannt, doch Bundesrichter Moraes fordert strikte Nachweise – der Streit um Meinungsfreiheit nimmt zu und könnte Musk teuer zu stehen kommen!

In Brasília, Elon Musk’s platform X has partially acquiesced following its shutdown in Brazil. The company appointed Rachel Villa Nova Conceição as its legal representative in the country, but Federal Judge Alexandre de Moraes has mandated that X submit key documents, including a power of attorney, within five days. This comes after X failed to meet an earlier court deadline to identify a representative and resisted orders to suspend accounts linked to right-wing activists spreading conspiracy theories.

The shutdown ordered by de Moraes in late August stemmed from X’s non-compliance, which also led to the Supreme Court seizing a hefty fine of approximately 18.35 million Reais (around 2.98 million euros) from both X and Musk’s Starlink. Musk closed the Brazilian office in mid-August, fearing arrest over the ongoing legal matters concerning controversial accounts. Despite labeling de Moraes a „bad dictator“ and painting the situation as a threat to free speech, X continues to navigate the tumultuous legal landscape in Brazil, as reported by www.radiohochstift.de.

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