HerneKriminalität und Justiz

Kupferdiebstahl in Bochum-Querenburg: Polizei nimmt drei Tatverdächtige fest

In Bochum-Querenburg, the police made a significant arrest after a copper theft incident took place early on Wednesday, May 29. Following a report from witnesses around 3:15 am, alerting the police to three individuals trespassing in the building complex at Kollegstraße 10, law enforcement officers swiftly arrived at the scene. Upon arrival, they found three men (aged 36, 38, and 38, respectively from Herne and Bochum) inside the building and caught them in the act with multiple bags filled with copper cables.

The individuals, all with prior records with the police, were taken into custody. The case has since been handed over to the investigative authorities at the Kriminalkommissariat 32 for further proceedings. This swift action by the police showcases their commitment to combating criminal activities and addressing theft incidents in a timely and effective manner.

For any inquiries or additional information regarding the case, the public can contact the Bochum police press office through Jens Artschwager at 0234 909 1023 or via email at pressestelle.bochum@polizei.nrw.de. The collaboration between the police and the community remains crucial in maintaining order and safeguarding against criminal activities in the region.

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