
Kampf um Kiesabgrabungsfläche: Erfolg für Bürgerinitiative Weizen statt Kies

In Heinsberg, the issue of further gravel extraction has sparked significant controversy among the local population and political figures. The proposed area for gravel extraction, covering 110 hectares between the Wurm River in the west and the Horster Hof in the east, has met with strong opposition. The CDU and Heinsberg’s Mayor Kai Louis have taken a clear stance against the project, with a local citizen’s initiative named “Weizen statt Kies” gathering over 2000 signatures in protest. Despite the resistance, the decision-making process is advancing.

The Regional Council of the Cologne Administrative District approved the second draft plan, titled “Non-energy Raw Materials,” in May. The plan encompasses the entire administrative district and outlines regulations for the extraction and recultivation of gravel and sand resources. The areas designated as “Areas for the Security and Extraction of Near-Surface Mineral Resources” (BSAB) concentrate extraction activities within specific zones, ensuring a minimum 20-year supply period. Reserve areas are also designated for long-term resource security.

The current plan includes existing gravel extraction areas in Kirchhoven, Heinsberg, Himmerich, and Porselen but does not allocate the proposed area between Unterbruch and Kempen as a BSAB zone or reserve area. Additionally, the Cologne District Government excluded areas with extraction interests between Aphoven and Schleiden from the plan. Local officials, including Mayor Louis, have expressed satisfaction with the exclusion of BSAB and reserve areas in these locations, highlighting the positive outcome of the decision-making process.

The outcome has been welcomed by local community representatives, including Kempen’s Guido Peters and Unterbruch’s Heinz-Willi Marx, who have actively engaged with the citizen’s initiative and local authorities. The cooperation between the initiative “Weizen statt Kies,” local administration, and politicians has been characterized by transparent communication and proactive engagement. The early involvement of the CDU faction and the responsiveness of municipal politics have demonstrated a citizen-centered approach and reinforced trust in local governance for all parties involved.

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