HeinsbergKriminalität und Justiz

Bundespolizei beschlagnahmt Messer und Teleskopschlagstock bei Grenzkontrollen in NRW

Die Bundespolizei North Rhine-Westphalia confiscated numerous knives and a telescopic baton during border checks today. In the Euregio region, four individuals were found in possession of these items. Along Bundesstraße 56 in Tüddern/Kreis Heinsberg, officers discovered a butterfly knife on a 23-year-old Dutch citizen, as well as one-handed knives on a 26-year-old Pole and a 34-year-old Bulgarian, all within a span of two hours. These weapons were seized, and the individuals were reported for violations of the Weapons Act before being allowed to continue their journey.

During a checkpoint in Aachen-Lichtenbusch on the A44 motorway, a 42-year-old German was found carrying a telescopic baton illegally. He claimed to intend to use it as a window breaker in case of an accident. The telescopic baton was confiscated, and after the offense was recorded, he was permitted to proceed with his travel.

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This incident highlights the diligence of the Bundespolizei in conducting thorough border checks to identify and address potential security threats. Such seizures contribute to maintaining public safety and upholding the regulations outlined in the Weapons Act. It serves as a reminder of the importance of adhering to legal requirements regarding the possession and transportation of weapons to prevent any risks or harm to individuals within the community.

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