
Kita-Camp: Übernachten in Jurten und Abenteuer in der Natur!

Kita Pusteblume goes camping | LocalDirect

The Kita Pusteblume, operated by Sentiris from Halver, is preparing for a unique ten-week camping experience starting on July 29th in Rönsahl. Jurts, caravans, containers, construction fences, and a Kita shuttle will create the setting for this exciting adventure.

After the property housing the daycare center was sold to the IGW Group a year ago, extensive renovations are now underway, requiring a complete relocation to finalize the last measures. The dedicated team of employees, parents, and volunteers completely emptied the Kita just before the summer holidays, carefully storing furniture and play materials.


To ensure continuous childcare for the 45 children during the construction phase, Sentiris explored various options and held discussions. Finding a suitable temporary location proved to be a challenge, but a solution was eventually found.

In February, a site visit was conducted at the Servatiusschule in Rönsahl. Collaborating with the school administration and the city of Kierspe, Sentiris explored the possibility of using parts of the elementary school as a temporary home for Kita Pusteblume. It became clear quickly that such an arrangement would pose significant challenges for all parties involved.

Recognizing the importance of nature in child development, Kita director Yvonne Wieler-Kohl highlighted the unique educational opportunities that the Kita Camp offers. From ecological education to sensory experiences and unforgettable memories, the camping experience promises to be enriching for the 2 to 6-year-old children.

On July 29th, the youth campsite will be transformed into a secure space with essential amenities like electricity, water, shelter, and toilets. Following inspection by the county youth welfare office, the location has been officially approved for the camp.

To ensure the safety of the children and prevent traffic congestion on the narrow road leading to the site, the road will be closed to vehicles. Kristian Hamm, the Sentiris CEO, expressed his excitement for the upcoming Kita Camp and emphasized the collaborative effort with the city of Kierspe and the Märkischer Kreis youth office in making the project possible.

To give everyone a glimpse of the Kita Camp experience, the team at Kita Pusteblume plans to host an Open Day on August 31st for all interested parties to visit and explore the campsite.

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