
Erster Stolperstein für Homosexuellen in Hagen: Gedenken an Alexander Schlüter

Erinnerung an Alexander Schlüter: Die tragische Geschichte eines homosexuellen Opfers der Nationalsozialisten

In Hagen-Haspe, an emotional gathering took place to commemorate Alexander Schlüter at Enneper Straße 38. At this location, the first Stolperstein in Hagen was laid for a homosexual individual. Alexander Schlüter was arrested by the National Socialists at his residence, marking a significant moment in the city’s history.

Among the attendees was Marius Bause, the great-grandson of Alexander Schlüter. He expressed gratitude for the community’s support, stating, „We are overwhelmed by the turnout today. It’s heartening to see our family history being acknowledged in this way.“ The presence of family members added a poignant touch to the commemoration.

The tragic story of Alexander Schlüter further unfolded as it was revealed that in 1939, he was sentenced to 2 years in prison for his homosexual relationships. Subsequently, he was transferred to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in 1941, where he tragically passed away at the young age of 38. This unveiling of history sheds light on the persecution faced by individuals like Alexander Schlüter during the Nazi regime.

The installation of the Stolperstein serves as a symbolic gesture to remember and honor the victims of persecution based on their sexual orientation. It stands as a poignant reminder of the atrocities committed in the past and the importance of preserving the memory of those who suffered unjustly. As Hagen’s first Stolperstein for a homosexual individual, it holds profound significance in acknowledging and confronting the dark chapters of history.

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