
Tablet und Smartphone gestohlen: Unbekannte flüchten aus Supermarkt

Rätselhafter Diebstahl in Coesfeld: Tablet und Smartphone verschwunden

In Coesfeld, an incident occurred at the Rewe store located on Dülmener Straße where unknown individuals stole a tablet and smartphone on Monday (08.04.24). A witness observed around 5:45 pm a person leaving the market through the emergency exit with a shopping bag. Subsequently, the individual fled towards Grimpingstraße via Am Kupferhammer and Hüppelswicker Weg. The suspect is described as a male with a slim build, aged approximately 20-25 years old, and with blonde hair. The Coesfeld Police urge anyone with relevant information to contact 02541-140. Additional inquiries can be directed to the Police Coesfeld Press Office at 02541-14-290 to -292 or fax at 02541-14-195.

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