
Ohrfeige am Berkelweg: Unbekannter Mann gesucht

Gewalt auf dem nächtlichen Spaziergang: Unbekannter greift Mann in Coesfeld an

In Coesfeld, an incident occurred on Borkener Straße where a 40-year-old resident of Dülmen was assaulted during a walk along the Berkel. The individual was walking along the gravel path behind the Pictorius-Berufskolleg when an unknown man approached him. The perpetrator grabbed the victim by the collar and demanded money. When the victim mentioned he did not have any money, the assailant proceeded to slap him. The victim managed to escape by crossing the wooden bridge towards the train station.

The unidentified suspect is described as a male, around 20 years old, approximately 1.78 meters tall, and of slim/athletic build. He was wearing a baseball cap and white pants during the incident. The Coesfeld police have requested anyone with information to contact them at 02541-140. The police can be reached at the following numbers for further inquiries: 02541-14-290 to -292 or fax at 02541-14-195.

Authorities are actively seeking any leads or information that could assist in identifying the perpetrator, emphasizing the importance of community cooperation in solving the case. The incident has raised concerns among residents, prompting heightened vigilance when walking in the area. The polices prompt response and request for public assistance demonstrate their dedication to resolving the matter swiftly and ensuring the safety of the community. Additional patrols in the area have been initiated to prevent similar incidents and provide reassurance to the public.

This incident serves as a reminder of the need for caution in public spaces and the importance of reporting suspicious activities to law enforcement promptly. The Coesfeld polices efforts to investigate the assault and apprehend the perpetrator underscore their commitment to maintaining public safety and upholding justice in the region. Such incidents require community support and collaboration to ensure that offenders are brought to justice and that residents can feel secure in their surroundings.

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