AachenKriminalität und Justiz

Polizeieinsatz und Todesfall in ehemaligem Hotel in Gillrath: Ermittlungen laufen noch

In Gillrath, an intense police operation has been ongoing on Karl-Arnold-Straße since the morning. Several police vehicles and the criminal police are present at the scene. Anna Kraft, spokesperson for the Aachen Public Prosecutor’s Office, confirmed that a lifeless male individual was discovered in an old hotel where out-of-town construction workers are accommodated, though this information remains unconfirmed. The circumstances surrounding the death have not yet been disclosed. Kraft stated, „Investigations are still ongoing to determine if foul play may have been involved.“

The police operation in Gillrath is still underway at this time. Further details are expected to emerge as the investigation progresses. Stay updated for more information as the situation develops.

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