
Zug kollidiert mit Auto in Wittmund: Frau leicht verletzt, Zugstrecke gesperrt

Ostfriesland: How a Train Pushed a Car off the Tracks

In a surprising incident this morning in Wittmund, a train operated by the Nordwest-Bahn collided with a car, resulting in minor injuries to a woman. The collision took place at around 8:20 a.m. on the Esens-Wilhelmshaven railway line. The 40-year-old driver from Hornumer Street in Wittmund-Asel was attempting to turn right onto Federal Highway 210 when she failed to notice the approaching Nordwest-Bahn train heading towards Wilhelmshaven. The collision occurred at a level crossing, causing the car to be pushed off the intersection.

Fortunately, the driver only sustained minor injuries in the incident. Despite the impact, the train conductor and the approximately 25 passengers on board remained unharmed. Following the accident, the Federal Police and the railway’s emergency response team were promptly contacted to assess the readiness of the seemingly undamaged train. As a result of the collision, the railway track between Wittmund and Jever was closed, leading to disruptions in train services. Despite the rising temperatures, passengers were initially unable to disembark the train and had to wait onboard.

Reflecting on this event, it underscores the importance of attentiveness and adherence to traffic regulations, particularly near railway crossings. The incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers that can arise when motorists fail to yield to approaching trains, posing risks not only to themselves but also to the passengers and crew onboard the train.

Instances like these highlight the necessity for both drivers and rail operators to exercise caution and vigilance to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of all road and rail users. Therefore, it is crucial for drivers to remain vigilant and always give way to trains at level crossings to avoid such collisions in the future.

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