
Tischtennis-Kreistag in der Wesermarsch: Ehrungen, Änderungen und Nachwuchssorgen

Wesermarsch Tischtennis Association Council Meeting

The recent Tischtennis Kreistag (district council meeting) held in Wesermarsch focused on honoring achievements, making changes, and addressing concerns regarding the future of the sport. One of the main issues discussed was the lack of interest in the newly introduced tournament license among players.

Youth participation was a key concern highlighted during the meeting, with worries expressed over the insufficient number of youth teams in the district. This shortage poses a significant challenge for the development and sustainability of the sport in the area.

The council meeting, which took place at Mentzhausen Elementary School, was attended by various representatives from local Tischtennis clubs. Patrick Soeken, standing in for Stefanie Meyer, guided the session, which included a lengthy debate on a proposal by the Oldenbroker TV to increase the number of teams in the district groups to ten. Eventually, a compromise was reached to allow for teams of nine as well.

Looking ahead to the upcoming season, a new tournament license will be introduced, requiring each player to pay 4.99 euros per half-year for participation in official tournaments like the district championships. However, a survey conducted by Kreissportwart Bernd Kleen revealed a lack of enthusiasm for the new license among many active players.

Despite these challenges, there were moments of celebration at the meeting. Bernd Kleen recognized the winners of various leagues, with Elsflether TB receiving the coveted trophy for the most successful club at the district championships. Hans-Georg Barghop was honored with the silver badge of merit from the Wesermarsch district for his longstanding dedication to the sport. Additionally, Wolfgang Böning was presented with an honorary plaque by the Lower Saxony Table Tennis Association in recognition of his 50 years of service to the sport.

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