
Große Straße wird zum Sporttreffpunkt – Gemeinsam fit mit Sport im Park am Europaplatz!

„Sport im Park takes over the city center“

On July 6th (Saturday), the Europaplatz will become a hub of activity as the “Sport im Park” event takes place from 10 am to 12 pm. Four instructors along with the city employee, Jacky Steller, will be present to introduce this initiative. “Our goal is to engage with the citizens and encourage them to participate in this free sports program,” stated Steller.

All instructors will enliven the Große Straße with their diverse sports activities. Tina Weiland from Grey Gym will offer athletic challenges where participants can win prizes. The Ski Club Vechta will showcase images from past tours and display mountain bikes and inline skates. The Self-Designers team will invite attendees to join in a few rounds of Viking chess. Florence Ihuel will introduce various forms of yoga practices.

The event schedule for “Sport im Park” can be found at Interested instructors can also register on the website. Alternatively, they can approach Jacky Steller in person on July 6th or call 04441/886-4003 for more information.

To accommodate the event, the Große Straße area from Europlatz to the Propsteikirche will be closed off from 9 am to 1 pm. The Vechta city administration kindly asks for understanding and cooperation from the public. In case of heavy rain or similar weather conditions, the event will be canceled.

If you have any additional information regarding “Sport im Park” events, please visit the official website or contact Jacky Steller directly. Let’s make our city center a hub of activity for sports and recreation!

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