
Toulousain Talonneur Peato Mauvaka prolongiert Vertrag bis 2029: Meisterfeier hält an!

Top 14: Peato Mauvaka’s Impact on Stade Toulousain

Peato Mauvaka, the talented talonneur of Stade Toulousain, recently extended his contract with the club until 2029, following their victory in the 23rd French championship title against Union Bordeaux-Bègles (59-3) on Friday, June 28. The announcement of his contract extension came shortly after the team’s triumphant win, marking a significant moment for both Mauvaka and the club.

While celebrating the 23rd Bouclier de Brennus victory, Mauvaka and the club president, Didier Lacroix, sealed the agreement with a handshake above the prestigious trophy. The extension adds three more years to Mauvaka’s initial contract, which was set to expire in 2026, solidifying his commitment to the club and its future goals.

At 27 years old, Peato Mauvaka boasts an impressive track record, including four French championship titles (2019, 2021, 2023, 2024), two European championship titles (2021, 2024), and a grand slam victory with the French national team in 2022. His contributions both on and off the field have played a vital role in the success and reputation of Stade Toulousain, making him a key player in the team’s ongoing journey towards excellence.

With this contract extension, Mauvaka’s continued presence in the club is not only a testament to his exceptional skills as a player but also a reflection of the strong bond between him and Stade Toulousain. As he looks ahead to the future, Mauvaka’s dedication and talent will undoubtedly continue to leave a lasting impact on the team and the rugby community as a whole.

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