
Paddeln, Geschichte und Obst: Ein Aktivtag in Stade

In Stade, a city known for its peaceful atmosphere compared to Hamburg, locals and tourists alike enjoy the serene waters by paddling along the Schwinge. Surrounded by water, Stade’s historic Old Town serves as an ideal starting point for various water activities. The SUP Club Stade, located at the old Holzhafen, offers the choice of exploring the waterways by Fleetkahn, canoe, kayak, or stand-up paddleboard (SUP), with the latter being the preferred option for many.

Under the guidance of Christian Boldt, a SUP trainer, participants learn the proper technique of paddling to move smoothly through the Burggraben, a section of the Schwinge river. Boldt also introduces paddlers to the new „Fitness-Trail“ of Stade, consisting of 15 blue signs with exercise instructions. Balancing on the SUP board while performing exercises like Burpees and squats challenges the participants, enhancing the overall experience.

Apart from physical activities, Stade offers a glimpse into its rich history through the newly established „History-Trail.“ This trail features 14 stations providing insights into Stade’s past, including its transformation into a fortress following the Swedish conquest in the mid-17th century. With picturesque views of historical landmarks along the riverbanks and the lush greenery surrounding areas like the Museumsinsel, visitors are treated to a blend of nature and history.

The Schwinge river, considered the lifeline of Stade since ancient times, played a pivotal role in the city’s early development, facilitating trade activities starting from the 9th century. Stade’s association with the Hanseatic League further boosted its significance in European trade, with the old Hansehafen at the Fischmarkt serving as a bustling hub for maritime commerce. The Museum Schwedenspeicher provides a deeper insight into Stade’s Hanseatic history, showcasing its trade relations with various regions.

For those looking to explore beyond Stade’s waters, the neighboring Alte Land region offers a scenic route for cyclists. Renowned for its vast orchards, Alte Land boasts the title of Germany’s largest continuous fruit-growing area, particularly known for its apple production. The annual cherry and apple blossom season attracts numerous visitors, while the autumn foliage presents a colorful spectacle reminiscent of the American Indian Summer.

In addition to water activities and cycling tours, Stade accommodates visitors with a range of accommodations, including hotels, holiday apartments, camper van parks, and a youth hostel. Whether paddling along the Schwinge, cycling through the Alte Land, or indulging in fruit picking activities, Stade promises a diverse and enriching experience for travelers seeking a blend of nature, history, and outdoor adventures.

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