
Erfolgreiche Leistungen bei Reitturnier: Marie Sohler dominiert mit Global Player, Victoria Schumacher im Großen Preis platziert

Future Champions Hagen: Marie Sohler continues to dominate in the Junior category

Marie Sohler has shown exceptional performance in the juniors‘ competition at the Future Champions event in Hagen. Riding the Oldenburg horse Global Player, she clinched victory in all three tests. Following her second win on Friday, the freestyle test on Saturday was the perfect conclusion to their impressive display. Sohler presented the bay with great energy and enthusiasm, always maintaining an elegant outline. With Michael Bublé’s „Sway“ playing in the background, the trot work started with consistent traversals and expressive extensions, though at times, the stallion appeared slightly eager. The walk work set to „Feeling Good“ also impressed the judges, earning them a remarkable score of 8.5 for a steady, rhythmic walk with substantial overstep.

The canter traversals were executed with precision in a light contact, while the flying changes on a serpentine line with four loops were slightly off the mark but well uphill. The strong trot on the final centerline concluded their freestyle test beautifully. Overall, their performance scored 76.667%, securing the top spot ahead of Maria Teresa Pohl and Lilly Marie Collin. Josephine Ruppert finished in ninth place with a score of 71.558% aboard Bella Donna.

In the Children category, Mia Lukas achieved eighth and ninth place with Don Rio.

Among the Young Riders, Jana Lang and her Baron claimed third place in the test on Friday with a score of 73.333%. While the 18-year-old Johnson offspring showed some minor errors like cantering from trot, it did not affect their overall harmony. German judge Cornelia Hinsch even placed them first in her ranking.

Victoria Schumacher showcased her talent in the Grand Prix competition, securing a commendable placement. Alongside Sohler, other promising riders like Capri-Marie Raum also made their mark in the Young Riders category with a tenth-place finish.

Strong performances across all categories

The Future Champions event in Hagen witnessed impressive performances from young Bavarian riders across different disciplines. In the Children’s Two-Phase Jumping competition over 1.25 meters, Lynn Renner stood out with a faultless round, claiming fourth place with Lou. Marie Neukirch also put in a flawless performance, securing the eleventh spot with Ascada. Additionally, Germany clinched the bronze medal in the Nations Cup event, where Lena Marie Kraus and Miss Mc Fly D NRW contributed significantly. The Pony category also saw stellar performances, with Lena Marie Kraus finishing eighth and Ava Ferch eleventh in the Pony Two-Phase Jumping contest over 1.25 meters. Rafael Reichart Eisenhardt and Casino Royale showcased their skills, taking third place in the 1.30-meter competition.

As the competition unfolded, more young talents emerged, with Marie Flick claiming a strong second place and Jacob Feyler finishing eleventh with a single fault in the Young Riders category. Notable performances were also delivered by Junior riders Leo Renner, Jolie Kühner, and Victoria Schumacher. Schumacher and her mount Sam showcased their abilities in the Junior Grand Prix, securing a respectable ninth place despite an unfortunate rail down in the jump-off.

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