
Schonender Heckenschnitt in Altenmedingen: Gemeinde testet verschiedene Verfahren

Neue Ansätze für naturschonenden Heckenschnitt in Altenmedingen

In Altenmedingen, the approach to hedge cutting is undergoing a significant change following environmental concerns raised by organizations such as Nabu. Last year, a substantial operation conducted by the municipality using a forestry mulcher led to backlash from environmental groups, with Nabu condemning it as a „violation of nature.“ As a result, the community is now planning to adopt more delicate methods in the future.

Bürgermeister Léonard Hyfing from Junge Altenmedingen mentioned that they have experimented with various hedge maintenance procedures in collaboration with the countys nature conservation foundation. The forestry mulcher, which shreds stems and branches, can cause severe damage, allowing fungi to invade and potentially kill the shrubs. Methods such as mechanical forestry shears and bush trimming have been tested as alternatives.

A softer hedge trimming approach is significantly more expensive, with bush trimming being 20 times more costly than using a forestry mulcher. The mechanical shears, which cleanly cut the stems, also come at double the price. This increased cost is compounded by the need for debris removal. With approximately 70 kilometers of municipal roads, about a third of which have hedges, Hyfing emphasized the financial challenge posed by such methods.

To address these cost concerns, a hybrid approach involving both the forestry mulcher and shears will be employed, with hedges being trimmed only every three to five years. This decision is influenced by financial constraints, as highlighted by the mayor. Neglecting hedge maintenance could lead to shrubs hardening in the lower regions, thereby eliminating habitat for animals like partridges and pheasants.

The issue of environmentally friendly hedge cutting is not exclusive to Altenmedingen, as other municipalities in the Uelzen district may also be grappling with similar considerations. Environmental groups emphasized the ecological value of hedges in agricultural landscapes, citing their role in biodiversity promotion, erosion prevention, and positive microclimate influence. While the countys environmental agency noted some shortcomings in adhering to best practices, there were no fundamental objections to the use of large machinery for hedge maintenance.

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