
Wohnungsnot in Donauwörth: Stadt hält an leerstehenden Immobilien fest!

In Donauwörth stehen seit langem über 50 günstige Wohnungen in der Invalidenkaserne leer, während die Stadt kürzlich den Verkauf ihrer Immobilien abgelehnt hat – ein Skandal auf dem angespannten Wohnungsmarkt von Bayern!

In Donauwörth, the housing market remains tight, especially for affordable options. Recently, the city decided against selling its properties in the Old Barracks. Despite a need for housing in the area, nearly half of the apartments in the Invalidenkaserne are currently unoccupied, and significant renovations are still required before they can be rented out. This situation underscores the complexities of the local housing landscape, where demand exceeds supply but vacant properties linger due to their condition.

City officials have yet to finalize plans for the renovation of these apartments, contributing to the housing deficit faced by residents. While the city holds a few price-friendly options, they are quickly dwindling, leaving many searching for affordable places to call home. The standoff on selling city-owned properties is now raising eyebrows, with some calling for action to better utilize these empty units. More details on this ongoing situation can be found hier.

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