
Tragisches Unglück in Jilotzingo: Neun Tote nach Erdrutsch!

Nach einem tragischen Erdrutsch in Jilotzingo, Mexiko, verloren neun Menschen ihr Leben, während drei weitere lebend geborgen werden konnten; die dramatischen Rettungsaktionen fanden am 13. September statt und lassen die Zivilbevölkerung in großer Not zurück, während die Behörden umgehend Unterstützung leisten.

In Jilotzingo, Estado de México, authorities have concluded rescue operations following a devastating landslide that struck the community of San Luis Ayucan on September 13. The tragic incident has resulted in nine fatalities, while three individuals were successfully rescued. The Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) reported that response teams worked tirelessly, with 584 personnel from the Army, Navy, National Guard, and other agencies deployed to aid those affected.

The landslide was triggered by heavy rains that swept through the region, leaving twelve people initially trapped beneath rubble. In addition to recovering the victims, relief efforts continue, providing shelter, food, and medical care to around 132 individuals across four designated shelters. Local and federal governments are collaborating closely to ensure the affected population receives the necessary support during this challenging time, as indicated in a statement from the SSPC, berichtet von www.razon.com.mx.

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