
Schock in Rafael Uribe: Schulbus kracht gegen Haus – Kinder in Gefahr!

In Bogotá kam es am Mittwoch, den 2. Oktober 2024, während eines großangelegten Simulationsnotfalls zu Verkehrschaos, als mehrere Vorfälle, darunter ein Schulbusunfall und ein umgestürzter Baum, die Mobilität beeinträchtigten und die Feuerwehr sowie Transmilenio das öffentliche Verkehrssystem vorübergehend zurückfahren mussten.

In Bogotá, an unexpected bus accident involving a school bus occurred around noon in the locality of Rafael Uribe, hitting a fixed object. Authorities responded promptly to the scene, ensuring the situation was under control. No injuries were reported from this incident. Meanwhile, a tree fell on the street in Usaquén, but thanks to the quick action from local firefighters, the area was cleared, and normal traffic flow resumed shortly thereafter.

The city also faced transportation disruptions due to the District-wide evacuation drill that took place on October 2, 2024. Transmilenio, Bogotá’s bus rapid transit system, experienced significant delays and crowding at various points, particularly at La Mariposa, before resuming regular operations. Additionally, ongoing construction for the First Line of the Metro has led to new traffic closures, including a complete shutdown along Avenida Primero de Mayo. Authorities advise cyclists and pedestrians to use designated areas for their safety during these disruptions, while traffic management plans are enacted to minimize commuter inconvenience. More details are available in the report on www.infobae.com.


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