
Alkoholismus: 89 Jahre Alkoholiker Anonymous – Erfolgsgeschichten aus Baja California

Alcoholics Anonymous Celebrates 89 Years; 172 Groups in the Baja California Coastal Zone Change Lives

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) commemorates 89 years of existence, with 172 groups in the Baja California Costa Zone dedicated to transforming the lives of individuals grappling with alcoholism. The disease, recognized by the World Health Organization as a progressive, incurable, and fatal condition, affects individuals emotionally, mentally, and physically.

According to members like Sergio, an alcoholic is someone who loses control and affects themselves and others when they drink. Joining AA helped Sergio understand that alcoholism begins with the first drink, emphasizing the importance of addressing the issue early to prevent its devastating consequences.

Julio notes a growing trend of women joining AA groups at younger ages, highlighting a shift in societal perceptions that previously stigmatized female alcoholics. By embracing the program and spreading awareness, women contribute to creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for those seeking help.

The free AA groups, lasting an hour and a half, do not offer hospitalization services or act as rehabilitation centers. Funding for group maintenance, advertising, and facilities solely relies on contributions from AA members, underscoring the organization’s commitment to self-sustainability.

Members like Ariel emphasize the transformative power of AA, describing it as a unique opportunity for individuals to enact genuine life changes. With a presence in 180 countries and approximately 3 million members worldwide, Alcoholics Anonymous extends its positive impact beyond individual participants to their families and communities.

As Alcoholics Anonymous continues to expand globally, its message resonates with the recognition that widespread societal acceptance of alcohol as a norm often obscures its inherent risks. By fostering open conversations about alcoholism within families and society, AA aims to raise awareness and support those struggling with the disease.

Analysierte Quellen, die diese Meldung bestätigen: 6
Analysierte Kommentare in sozialen Medien: 197
Analysierte Forenbeiträge: 77

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