
Kita-Krise in Stade: Brandbriefe an Kultusministerin

Alarmstufe Rot in Stade: Wie der Personalmangel in Kitas die Betreuung in Frage stellt

In Stade, there is a growing concern over the shortage of staff in childcare facilities, leading to a reduction in childcare hours and the closure of some groups, as stated by Stades Mayor Sönke Hartlef. This situation has prompted parents‘ representatives, daycare center managers, and politicians to send three urgent letters to Julia Willie Hamburg, the Minister of Culture in Lower Saxony. One of these letters was initiated by Stades Mayor Hartlef, highlighting the alarming and escalating conditions in daycare centers. The insufficient number of daycare staff is resulting in excessive pressure on those working in these facilities, leading to staff absences and a lack of consistency for the children. This revolving door of caregivers is causing distress for both parents and children. In response, Mayor Hartlef is calling for immediate action from the Minister, suggesting that assistant staff should be able to work independently to address the staffing crisis. The letters were also signed by the City Parents‘ Council, County Executive Kai Seefried, and numerous daycare center managers. The situation has prompted calls for urgent intervention to resolve the personnel shortage in childcare facilities.

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