
Feuerwehreinsatz in Pöhlde: Dachstuhlbrand in Herzberger Ortsteil entfacht Feuerwehrschaft

In Pöhlde, a fire broke out on Tuesday evening, May 28, 2024, requiring the assistance of surrounding fire departments. The Volunteer Fire Department of Pöhlde reported the incident on Facebook, showcasing images of the operation. The fire affected the roof of a garage, prompting firefighters equipped with breathing apparatus to enter the building for interior suppression. Simultaneously, a ladder truck from Herzberg was positioned to open the roof and facade from the outside to extinguish the flames underneath. Prior to the arrival of the fire department, residents had attempted to combat the fire using a garden hose.

The emergency call, received around 6:45 p.m. under the designation of „roof fire,“ mobilized the entire city to respond to the incident, according to fire officials. Following the deployment, fire departments from Scharzfeld, Lonau, and Sieber were able to conclude their involvement after ensuring readiness. Herzberg’s firefighters remained on-site to assist with extinguishing efforts post-operation. The entire operation spanned approximately two hours before its conclusion.

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