
Lachgas in Gifhorn: Gesundheitsgefahr durch Party-Droge in Süßigkeitenautomaten

In Gifhorn, Niedersachsen, the presence of nitrous oxide in vending machines alongside snacks like cookies and chips has sparked controversy. Available for 20 euros, these canisters of nitrous oxide are easily obtainable, with concerns raised due to their proximity to places frequented by children and teenagers such as schools, daycare centers, and youth clubs. While legal, nitrous oxide has gained popularity as a party drug, despite its medical risks and documented fatalities related to its misuse.

Primarily used as a sedative in medical settings, nitrous oxide has seen a shift towards recreational use, prompting discussions on regulating its consumption. The drug commissioner of the German government expressed reservations about a blanket ban due to its widespread application but emphasized the need for stricter controls. Medical professionals advocate for enhanced youth protection measures, recognizing the escalating trend of nitrous oxide misuse among adolescents.

Nitrous oxide inhalation poses various health risks, contrary to its perceived harmlessness by users. These risks include potential injuries from the extreme cold of the canisters, lung ruptures, unconsciousness, paralysis, and brain damage. Prolonged use can lead to disruptions in cell metabolism, resulting in functional vitamin B12 deficiency and subsequent hematological complications. Reports of five deaths associated with nitrous oxide in Baden-Württemberg in 2023 raised significant concerns, prompting calls for more stringent regulations and awareness campaigns targeting young individuals.

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Rästel der Woche

Ursprünglich wurde es in den 1950er Jahren aus einer Boje entwickelt! Seither ist es ein fester Bestandteil jeder Gartenparty und das Herzstück jeder geselligen Runde im Freien.

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