
Erster Weinberg in Lingen: Neue Weinkultur im Emsland entsteht

In Lingen, a new chapter has been written in the region’s agricultural landscape with the establishment of a vineyard at the Catholic Ludwig Windthorst House. The cultivation of 50 grapevines for white wine production underscores the increasing viability of viticulture in areas such as Emsland, attributed to the effects of climate change. The initiative aims not only to showcase Lingen’s first vineyard but also to engage the community in the winemaking process throughout the year. Various events, including vineyard tours, wine cultivation lectures, and tasting sessions, will be organized to foster public interest in viticulture.

Five years after the inaugural vineyard project, a second vineyard is now emerging in the region. The success of these endeavors has been linked to the changing climate conditions, facilitating the growth of vineyards in previously unexpected areas. This development highlights the adaptability of agricultural practices to evolving environmental circumstances, opening up new opportunities for wine production in regions like Emsland.


The collaboration between local winemakers and a wine merchant in managing the Sauvignac grape variety cultivation signifies a harmonious partnership dedicated to nurturing the vineyard and ensuring the production of quality white wines. This joint effort reflects a shared commitment to promoting sustainable agriculture practices while embracing the challenges and opportunities presented by climate change in the agricultural sector.

As Lingen embraces the establishment of its vineyard and the expansion of wine cultivation in the region, it signals a shift towards diversification and innovation in agricultural practices. The integration of viticulture into the local landscape not only adds a new dimension to the region’s cultural heritage but also paves the way for economic growth and community engagement through agricultural tourism and educational initiatives centered around winemaking. The future of viticulture in Lingen appears promising, with continued collaboration and adaptation to changing environmental conditions shaping the path forward.

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