
Kommunalwahlen im Amt Neukloster-Warin: Spannende Ergebnisse und Überraschungen!

In Neukloster-Warin, the results of the communal elections have been finalized, revealing new shifts in the composition of the Gemeindevertretungen. Wählergemeinschaften have overtaken traditional parties in several municipalities within the Amt Neukloster-Warin area.

In Bibow, the „Zukunftsbündnis Bibow“ (ZBB) secured 51% of the vote, granting them three out of six seats in the Gemeindevertretung. Following closely were Die Alternative with 33% and Einzelbewerber Henry Heyenn with 15%. The turnout for the elections in Bibow reached nearly 61%.

Over in Glasin, the Unabhängige Wählergemeinschaft der Gemeinde Glasin (UWGG) edged ahead with 34% of the valid votes, securing three seats in the Gemeindevertretung. The CDU followed closely with 32%, also claiming three seats. Additionally, the AfD and Blühende Landschaft rundum Glasin (BLG) each earned a seat, while the SPD fell short with just under 4%. The voter turnout in Glasin reached 76%.

Meanwhile, in Jesendorf, the Wählergemeinschaft „Bürgernahe Kommunalpolitik“ achieved an impressive 83% of the votes, granting them seven out of eight seats in the Gemeindeparlament. The remaining seat was secured by the Wählergemeinschaft Gemeinde Jesendorf with 17% of the vote.

In Lübbersdorf, the Wählergemeinschaft „Gemeinwohl“ captured 49% of the vote, earning them three out of six seats in the Gemeindevertretersitzung. The SPD claimed one seat with 21%, while individual candidates Ronny Krüger and Rainer Levetzkow secured seats with 10% and 7% of the vote, respectively. The election turnout in Lübbersdorf was notably high at 87%.

Passee saw the Wählergemeinschaft Passee dominating the polls with 80% of the votes, leaving the SPD trailing behind with just 10%. While the Wählergemeinschaft claimed five out of six seats, the remaining seat went to the SPD. The voter turnout in Passee stood at 87%.

In Zürow, the Wählergemeinschaft Zurow emerged victorious with 76% of the votes, resulting in eight out of ten seats in the Gemeindeparlament. Die Linke and Einzelbewerber Martin Kröppelin secured one seat each with 12% and 8% of the vote, respectively. The voter turnout in Zürow reached 67%.

Lastly, in Züsow, the CDU secured five out of six seats with 85% of the votes, while Einzelbewerber Michael Mertens claimed one seat with 15%. The election turnout in Züsow was reported at 81%.

In Neukloster, the Wählervereinigung „Für Neukloster“ captured the most votes with 25%, allowing them to hold four out of fifteen seats in the Stadtvertretung. The „Bürger für Neukloster“ and the CDU will each have three seats, while the AfD and SPD will secure two seats each. The Linke will occupy one seat in the Stadtvertretung. The election turnout in Neukloster stood at 61%.

Meanwhile, in Warin, Wählergemeinschaften dominated the elections. The „Bürgerunion Wariner Seenland“ (BWS) emerged as the strongest faction with 40% of the votes and six out of fourteen seats. Following closely behind was „Gemeinsam Warin Gestalten“ (GWG) with 35% and five seats. Additionally, „Wir Wollen Warin“ (WWW) secured two seats with 12%, while „Zukunft Warin Ortsteile“ (ZWO) claimed one seat with 11%. The voter turnout in Warin reached 68%.

Analysierte Quellen, die diese Meldung bestätigen: 20
Analysierte Kommentare in sozialen Medien: 128
Analysierte Forenbeiträge: 67

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