Kriminalität und JustizRostock

Mob-Gewalt in Rostocker Lichtenhagen: Mann von Gruppe schikaniert und verletzt

In Rostock-Lichtenhagen, a disturbing incident unfolded on Thursday evening as a 26-year-old German man was relentlessly pursued through the streets by a group of 20 to 30 individuals. According to police reports, eight members of the mob repeatedly assaulted the man, striking and kicking him. Despite efforts by a witness to halt the persecution through verbal interventions, the situation escalated. In response, the witness maneuvered her car around the crowd in an attempt to allow the man to enter the vehicle. During this chaotic ordeal, a 15-year-old German assailant was inadvertently struck by the car and sustained a minor arm injury.

Law enforcement managed to apprehend two individuals at the scene who appeared to be part of the group of attackers. Both captured suspects are 15-year-old Germans. The attackers allegedly claimed they believed the 26-year-old individual to be a person identified in social media warnings. Further details on this aspect remain undisclosed at present. The victim of the mob incident suffered minor injuries as a result of the events.

Authorities have initiated investigations concerning severe breach of public peace and endangerment through physical violence. Police are actively seeking witnesses to the incident, urging them to contact the Lichtenhagen police station at 0381/77070. Testimonies can also be shared through the online platform or any other local police precinct.

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