
Wahlchaos in Neubrandenburg: Fehlerhafte Stimmzettel bedrohen Stadtvertretungswahl

In Neubrandenburg, the election management faced a challenging start to the week when it was revealed that a portion of the ballots for the upcoming city council election on June 9th were flawed. This issue raised concerns about the possibility of conducting a proper election in less than two weeks. Heike Rathsack, the municipal election officer, along with her deputy Lutz Burmeister, had to address the problem promptly.

One of the key concerns raised by this incident was the inclusion of FDP candidate Heiko Schröder on the incorrect ballots under the list of the Basisdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (The basis), a situation that puzzled a „Basis“ candidate, Ralph Henning. Despite efforts to ensure all necessary procedures were followed diligently, the presence of this error surprised Henning and others involved in the process.

Efforts are being made to uphold the fairness of the election, with the district FDP filing a request at the Administrative Court to halt the ongoing election procedures promptly. The Liberal party argues that continuing with the election under these circumstances would compromise its integrity.

While the incident has caused significant concern, it’s important to note that the ballot issue only affects the city council election and not the concurrent district council and European Parliament elections scheduled for the same day. The election committee and management are now tasked with evaluating the impact of the errors on the ballots to determine if a re-election is necessary. In cases of uncertainty, a court decision may be needed to provide clarity.

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