
Rucksack-Überraschung in Bentwisch: Sechs Waffen und Munition entdeckt!

In Bentwisch bei Rostock sorgte ein verdächtiger Rucksack mit sechs Schusswaffen für einen Großalarm, während die Bundespolizei einen 38-jährigen albanischen Verdächtigen in einem Zug festnahm, nachdem er vor einer Zollkontrolle geflohen war und Anwohner evakuiert wurden!

In Bentwisch, near Rostock, a suspicious backpack led to a significant police operation after the Munitionsbergungsdienst discovered six firearms and eleven loaded magazines inside. Residents living nearby were temporarily relocated to a facility operated by the volunteer fire department, as authorities couldn’t initially rule out potential danger from the contents of the bag. The emergency response saw 29 firefighters on the scene to assist with the situation.

The alleged owner of the backpack, a 38-year-old Albanian living in Sweden, was apprehended in a regional train near Hagenow. He was reportedly fleeing from law enforcement after abandoning a vehicle—along with two accomplices—during a customs check at the Rostock harbor. The police are still looking for the car, a VW Passat with Swedish plates, and are appealing to the public for any tips that could assist in the investigation. The man now faces charges related to firearm violations and endangering public safety, as reported by


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