
Luke Mockridge: Skandal bringt Erfurter Show zum Platzen!

Skandal-Schock für Luke Mockridge: Sein Auftritt in Erfurt am 3. Oktober fällt aus – die Veranstalter ziehen die Reißleine wegen seiner umstrittenen Äußerungen über Para-Athleten, was für viele Fans und die Comedy-Szene einen herben Verlust bedeutet!

Luke Mockridge’s scheduled performance in Erfurt has been abruptly canceled. Set to take place on October 3 at „dasdie Brettl,“ the show has been scrapped due to backlash from the comedian’s insensitive remarks about Para-athletes made in a recent podcast. Following this controversy, major networks like Sat.1 have also pulled their programs featuring Mockridge, signaling widespread repercussions for the 35-year-old performer. According to a spokesperson, the tour organizers reached out to the venue to pull the plug, deciding to cancel the tour across Germany.

The Erfurter organizers, though not the ones who made the initial call, indicated that they likely would have reached a similar conclusion. The cancellation is particularly disappointing since the show was sold out and scheduled on a public holiday at 8 PM, a prime time for performances. There are no plans to reschedule or replace the show, and attendees are advised to contact their point of purchase for ticket refunds. For further details, see the article on


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