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Hochwasser-Alarm in Deutschland: Kommt das Jahrhundert-Hochwasser?

Hochwasseralarm in Europa: Tausende fliehen vor verheerenden Überschwemmungen in Österreich, Polen und Tschechien, während Experten den Klimawandel als Hauptverursacher nennen – droht das gleiche Schicksal auch Deutschland in dieser Woche?

In Europe, severe flooding has hit countries including Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Romania, forcing thousands to evacuate their homes. The Czech Prime Minister, Petr Fiala, labeled the situation a „century flood,“ with several fatalities and missing persons reported. Meteorologists are warning that Germany could also face similar conditions this week, as the rising waters from neighboring nations are expected to impact rivers like the Elbe and the Oder.

The flooding is being attributed to a low-pressure system that has brought heavy rain, with forecasts indicating that river levels in cities like Dresden could reach just over six meters by midweek—nearing the alarm threshold. Fortunately, authorities report that preparations are in place, including mobile barriers and extensive flood defenses established since the catastrophic floods of 2002. Experts suggest that around 384,000 people in Germany may face high flood risks in the coming years, prompting the government to expedite a new flood protection law to improve resilience. More information is detailed in a report by

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