
Gemeinschaftliches Gärtnern im Degerfeld: Neue Hochbeete für mehr Integration

Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen: Urban Gardening im Degerfeld Butzbach

In Butzbach, members of the city district council in the Degerfeld area visited the „Urban Gardening“ facility in Offenbach over four years ago. This initiative, created with the support of the state program „Soziale Stadt,“ focuses on the theme „Besser leben in Offenbach“ (Living Better in Offenbach). The integration concept initially began with planting raised beds. Aaron Löwenbein, the coordinator, shared details about the endeavor.

The completion of the Alleenweg in Degerfeld has presented the opportunity to plant eight high beds. Several organizational models have been discussed and are currently being compared and tested. Ideas range from allowing only children, only women, or only residents from specific residential blocks to cultivate the beds, to assigning beds to interested individuals residing in different streets in Degerfeld. Another concept under consideration involves entrusting a high bed to a group for care, with harvest available to all community members interested in the produce, promoting a collective approach.

Under the guidance of neighborhood manager Senel Ayana, the initial high beds are being planted. The upcoming year will see a trial period to determine the most practical model or combination of the proposed concepts. This week marks the planting of tomatoes, parsley, onions, cucumbers, peppers, and chili peppers, fitting for the current season. The aim is to enhance communal interaction across generations, fostering integration and exploring new avenues of engagement.

The foundation of the project rests on a concept document regulating communal activities and responsibilities, ensuring each group tends to tasks like planting, watering, and weeding. The forthcoming working group will assist Senel Ayana in enforcing the set guidelines. The long-awaited high beds in Degerfeld, made possible through the support of the state program „Sozialer Zusammenhalt“ (Social Cohesion), reflect the project’s overarching theme of „Living and Experiencing Together.“ The goal is to diminish mere coexistence, creating fresh realms of experience to strengthen community identity.

During the planting activities, the project exemplified the fruitful integration of people with diverse cultural backgrounds. Plans have been in place for nearly eight years for Degerfeld to have a fruit garden with bushes and exotic trees like red and white mulberry trees. As Löwenbein emphasized, this initiative adds vibrancy and appeal to Degerfeld’s landscape. Unfortunately, the „Sozialer Zusammenhalt“ state program will conclude next year, leaving anticipation for the programs that will follow.

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