
Kirtorf führt neue Regeln für Freiflächenanlagen ein: Was ändert sich für Investoren und Bürger?

Regulating Solar Installations in Kirtorf

In a move aimed at maintaining control over the location of solar installations, Kirtorf has introduced a set of criteria for the establishment of open-area photovoltaic and solar thermal energy systems within the city limits. The decision was made unanimously during a recent meeting of the City Council at the Town Hall. The newly established requirements cover aspects such as landscape aesthetics, distance from residential areas, nature and wildlife protection, agriculture, tourism, regional economic benefits, and contractual agreements.

Community Involvement and Economic Benefits

One of the primary motivations behind Kirtorf’s decision to implement its own criteria for open-area installations is to ensure that the local community benefits from such projects. Mayor Andreas Fey emphasized that these criteria serve as guidelines to express the city’s preferences and prevent unchecked development in the area by external investors, including large corporations.

The criteria cover various aspects, including a minimal distance of 200 meters from residential buildings for new installations, with exceptions possible only if all affected property owners within the designated distance provide written approval. Additionally, solar installations are required to be connected to the power grid via underground cables, and individual solar facilities are limited to a maximum size of 15 hectares. Furthermore, up to two percent of the city’s agricultural land can be allocated for photovoltaic or solar thermal use in each local district.

Environmental Goals and Regional Planning

With a focus on future climate neutrality and mitigating environmental impacts, Kirtorf’s criteria aim to strike a balance between advancing renewable energy goals and safeguarding the local environment and residents. The city also seeks to channel revenue generated by solar installations back into municipal coffers and promote citizen participation and access to discounted energy tariffs.

Beyond legal requirements, Kirtorf is proactively pursuing a comprehensive municipal energy plan that combines open-area photovoltaic systems with district heating networks. This forward-looking approach aligns with the city’s ambition to exceed regulatory obligations and engage citizens in sustainable energy initiatives.

Establishing an Energy Partnership

As part of the process, the City Council approved the engagement of VOBEG Projekt GmbH, a subsidiary of the Vogelsberg Energy Cooperative (EGV), to conduct a thorough assessment of potential solar installation sites within Kirtorf’s jurisdiction. The comprehensive evaluation, incorporating the city’s criteria, is intended to distribute benefits equitably among local communities and prevent the concentration of installations in specific areas.

To facilitate the analysis, Kirtorf plans to establish the „Energie Kirtorf GmbH“ in partnership with VOBEG Projekt GmbH, leveraging the latter’s expertise to guide decision-making and navigate the complexities of solar energy development. The establishment of the joint energy company underscores the city’s commitment to advancing sustainable practices and maximizing economic opportunities for its residents.

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