
Insektenfreundliche Revolution: Völzberg setzt auf Blühschutz und Artenvielfalt

In Völzberg, a village in Birstein, efforts are underway to promote insect protection and biodiversity. The decline in insect populations has been a significant concern in rural areas, including the Main-Kinzig-Kreis region. Some insect species are facing the threat of extinction, emphasizing the urgency of conservation measures. Insects such as wild bees, rare wasps, hornets, and butterflies rely on native wildflowers, wild herbs, and grasses as sources of food and breeding grounds. These plants play a crucial role in pollination and ecosystem health, highlighting their importance in the local environment.

Community involvement is essential in protecting insects and preserving biodiversity within local areas. In Völzberg, a project was initiated to create a butterfly and wild bee habitat at the cemetery. The project involved clearing a strip of land, removing grass sods, and replacing them with a mixture of sand and compost. Additionally, a diverse range of native wildflowers was sown, including species like Magerwiesen-Margerite, Wiesen-Flockenblume, and Königskerzen, to support the local insect population.

Christian Weis, an honorary ambassador for wildflowers, stressed the significance of using regionally sourced seeds for planting. The Main-Kinzig-Kreis region has seen the establishment of numerous wildflower areas as part of the „Main.Kinzig.Blüht.Netz“ project, with the training of 60 volunteer ambassadors. Völzberg now boasts its own volunteer wildflower ambassador, Christian Weis, who offers guidance to residents, farmers, businesses, and local authorities. His role includes advising on the creation of wildflower areas and promoting insect conservation throughout the community.

The initiative at the Völzberg cemetery has brought the community together, with volunteers contributing their time and effort to create a vibrant natural habitat. By reducing mowing frequency on a designated grass area, the project aims to lower maintenance costs while providing a beneficial environment for insects. The neighborhood’s commitment to nature and species protection has been further demonstrated by the installation of informative signs at the site, highlighting the importance of local biodiversity conservation efforts.

Overall, the community of Völzberg and the municipality of Birstein are pioneering a grassroots movement focused on advancing insect protection and enhancing biodiversity. Through collaborative actions and local engagement, these initiatives aim to raise awareness, foster appreciation for wildlife, and create sustainable habitats for insects and other species to thrive.

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